Why choose business?

Business is all around you; from the minute you wake up, everything you do will have something to do with one or more businesses. A simple task like brushing your teeth involves the chemical industry, plastics, advertising and transport. Business Studies is a dynamic subject that will provide you with an understanding of the internal functions of all types of organisations, the rapidly changing environment in which all businesses operate, topical issues that generate change and a range of stakeholder perspectives.

Exam Board: AQA

Course details

A Level Business is divided into ten areas which are all assessed by external examinations.

The units covered are:

  • What is business?
  • Managers, leadership and decision making
  • Decision making to improve marketing performance
  • Decision making to improve operational performance
  • Decision making to improve financial performance
  • Decision making to improve human resource performance
  • Analysing the strategic position of a business
  • Choosing strategic direction
  • Strategic methods: How to pursue strategies
  • Managing strategic change

Higher Education and careers options

Business is a great subject choice if you’d like to pursue a career in business management, retail, hospitality, leisure, accountancy, financial services, law, media, marketing, human resources, production, public relations and sales.

No previous knowledge of the subject is required although it would be an advantage if you have an enquiring mind and an interest in current affairs. There will be some use of statistics but this should not present a problem for students with a Grade 5 or higher in GCSE Mathematics.

Business fits well with any combination of subjects whether it be sciences, humanities or practical subjects. Whatever career you enter, you will work in a business and having knowledge about them and how they work can only be beneficial.

The course will enable you to acquire a range of important transferable skills such as: data analysis, problem solving, making judgments, recommendations, planning, researching and challenging assumptions that will prove a valuable asset to anyone wishing to continue their education at a higher level.