Why choose English Literature?
Writers throughout the ages and across genres have addressed the same human concerns, analysed the same human emotions and upheld the same human ideals. Studying Literature increases our understanding of what it is to be human within a variety of contexts, as well as developing vital analytical and critical skills and encouraging fluent, confident and reasoned argument, both orally and in writing. The study of English Literature in INSPIRED Sixth Form develops a great variety of workplace skills but most of all, you should choose to study Literature because you desire to do so.
Exam Board: AQA SPEC B

Course details
20% of the A Level is coursework based, which allows students to read independently and produce essays about areas that they find fascinating. Students are expected to produce an essay on a novel and an anthology of poetry. The remainder of the course is divided into two separate examinations. Paper 1 covers the tragedy genre; students study ‘Othello’, ‘Death of a Salesman’ and ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’. Paper 2 explores the crime genre: ‘Atonement’, ‘Brighton Rock’ and ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’. Alongside studying the texts, students learn how to master the art of producing an academic essay and applying literary criticism to support their interpretation.
Higher Education and careers
An A Level in English Literature is an advantage when applying to enter almost any profession as it proves strong communication skills, an ability to read and analyse a great deal of written material with speed and precision as well as demonstrating the ability to construct convincing prose.
Specific career options related to the study of these A Levels are as follows:
- Law
- Advertising
- Journalism
- PR
- Education
- Speech therapy
- Politics
- Broadcasting
- Social services
- Advertising/Marketing
- Civil service
- Forensic linguistics
Entry requirements
You must have achieved a GCSE Grade 6 in both English Literature and English Language in order to be able to meet the academic requirements of this course.
You need to possess an open mind, a passion for debate, an ability to analyse literary language, character and theme, the determination to construct a logical and coherent argument and, above all, a real love of reading.
Related subjects
Classics, English Language, History (Religious Studies).
Further information
The English department really enjoy and celebrate our subject.
We always take our INSPIRED Sixth Form groups to see the plays which we are studying, assuming we can find a production within striking distance. We also expect our INSPIRED Sixth Form students to participate in English Department co-curricular activities such as public speaking, debating, creative writing and celebrations such as National Poetry Day and World Book Day.