Why choose French?

  • To enable students to develop and build upon the skills acquired at GCSE
  • To provide an insight into another culture and society
  • To facilitate foreign travel and increase opportunities to study or work abroad
  • To enhance employment prospects and improve self-confidence, analytical and communication skills.

Exam Board: EDUQAS

Course details

The French A Level course is two years long, with the option of gaining accreditation at the end of Year 12 (AS).

In Year 12, students study a range of topics alongside the novel No et Moi.

In Year 13 students study further topics based on social issues and a historical period, plus the film La Haine.

There are three examinations which test the topics studied through the skills of speaking, listening, reading and translation, and writing.

Course requirements

Grade 6 or higher at GCSE.

All students are allocated an extra lesson per week with the Foreign Language Assistant to focus on improving speaking skills and developing cultural knowledge. During their studies students can have the opportunity to go on a work experience placement in the country where their chosen language is spoken. Students also participate in culturally relevant events. INSPIRED Sixth Form students also have the opportunity to mentor GCSE students.

Having studied a Modern Foreign Language at A Level, students can progress their studies by completing a pure languages degree or combining a language with another discipline.

Languages combine well with all other subjects to give you an extra string to your bow. For example:

  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Business Management
  • Geography
  • History
  • Linguistics
  • Politics
  • International Relations