
Why choose Mandarin Chinese?

Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world. Learn to speak Mandarin and you can speak with millions of people! Culture: With thousands of years of history, Chinese culture is endlessly fascinating. Whether your interests are in history, architecture, music, or cuisine, knowledge of Mandarin will enrich your understanding of Chinese culture. Business: Business people who speak Mandarin have a huge advantage in tapping into the Chinese market. It is much easier to develop all-important relationships if you can speak Mandarin. Travel: The greater China region offers exciting travel opportunities. Getting around is much easier if you can speak Mandarin.   

Exam Board: EDEXCEL

Course details

Pearson Edexcel A Level Chinese course builds on the understanding developed at GCSE level and gives students the opportunity to learn and apply important transferable skills in critical thinking and analysis, enabling them to make a smooth transition to the next level of study. The content of the course aims to foster an awareness of the Chinese history, changes in the contemporary world and its link with the rest of the world; as well as to inspire an appreciation of the language, literature, film and culture of the Chinese-speaking world. 

During the two-year course, students will study a range of topics and will also study a book and a film. Examination will be based on the four skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. 

Further information

Students of the Edexcel A Level Chinese course will have the opportunity to attend the British Council Language Programme in China and take a gap year to teach English in a Chinese school, as well as applying for a full scholarship to study Chinese in one of the leading universities in the country. Students can also take part in a national speaking competition; a bi-annual China trip and other cultural events to enhance and enrich their language learning. 

Having studied a Modern Foreign Language at A Level, students can progress their studies by completing a pure languages degree or combining a language with another discipline such as Business, Law or Engineering. Career options include traineeships and working for western manufacturing companies, trading, consultancy, business, banking, multinationals in Europe, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Chinese companies in Europe; government departments of economics, internal and external affairs, foreign service; journalism; travel; interpreter; academics; education (teaching); publishing; supporting companies entering the Chinese market. 

Grade 7 or higher at GCSE.