Mathematics & Further Maths
Why choose Mathematics & Further Maths?
This subject is not for the faint-hearted. Can you deal with abstract ideas and then relate them to real life situations? Do you like solving problems? Do you have the intellectual stamina to produce a solution to a multi-stage problem? Do you want to learn how to think logically, approach tasks systematically and cast a critical eye over the figures quoted in the media? Do you want to gain a better understanding of the world (both natural and man-made) around you?
Exam Board: EDEXCEL

Course details
The Mathematics A Level is made up of Pure Mathematics (two thirds of the course), Mechanics (one sixth) and Statistics (one sixth). Pure Mathematics includes extensive algebraic techniques, calculus, trigonometry, coordinate geometry and sequences. Mechanics includes the study of the equations of motion, Newton’s laws, forces and momentum. Statistics includes data handling graphs, summary measure of data sets, regression, lines of best fit and correlation, the Normal distribution and probability.
Students may also choose to take Further Mathematics A level in addition to Mathematics A level. This can be chosen as a fourth A level. It is a very demanding A level and if considering this as an option, students should discuss their suitability for the course with their teacher. The course has two compulsory Pure Mathematics modules and there are two other optional modules where the class chooses from additional Pure, Mechanics, Statistics or Decision modules. Decision mathematics uses algorithms and other methods to find efficient solutions to real life problems, such as finding the shortest route around a network. The techniques are important in business, logistics and computer science.
Course requirements
A minimum of Grade 6 GCSE is an essential baseline requirement for studying Mathematics at A Level, and preferably a 7. As algebra is such an essential tool at advanced level, a clear and consolidated understanding of algebraic techniques studied at GCSE is vital. For Further Mathematics students would be expected to obtain a minimum of a grade 7 at GCSE, but students are more likely to be successful with a grade 8 or 9.
Further information
Mathematics and Further Mathematics are subjects which require hard work and determination, and as a consequence are very rewarding. Candidates must have a calculator able to compute summary statistics, access standard statistical distributions and perform iterations. More information will be given on request about the recommended calculators.
Related careers
Economics, medicine, archaeology, banking and finance, teaching, business, IT, natural sciences, computer science and all engineering disciplines. Exam Board: PEARSON Edexcel Higher Education and Careers Options A Mathematics degree provides excellent training of the mind for a variety of careers. It is still seen as a rigorous academic subject and as such is a highly desirable attribute for a potential employer. Obvious career paths are the actuarial profession, accountancy, finance, computer programming, logistics, engineering and of course academia; but mathematicians may end up doing anything from law or weather forecasting right through to journalism. When considering a career/ university degree in engineering, studying Further Mathematics as well as Mathematics is highly recommend.
Related subjects
Mathematics can be studied alongside any other discipline; perhaps the most significant syllabus overlap is with Physics or Economics. Mathematics is an essential supporting subject for those who wish to study Economics, Engineering or Physics at university. It is also very useful if you are studying Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Business Studies and Architecture.