Why choose Music?
Anyone considering a future in the industry, teaching, performing or composing needs to take A level Music. Anyone wanting to get good value for skills they have built up by learning an instrument or singing should also seriously consider it!
Exam Board: AQA

Course details
Students follow the AQA A Level Music course. This is weighted more toward performance than GCSE Music – something which plays to the strengths of students. 35% is performing, 25% composing and 40% the exam.
For full performing marks, students should be looking to perform at grade 8 standard by the end of Year 13. A performance of pieces lasting over 10 minutes is required. Unlike at GCSE, there is no requirement for any of it to be in an ensemble – although this is possible.
Like GCSE, there are two compositions; one free choice and one from a brief. We use Sibelius software on PCs to bring your compositions to life. The exam component contains choices! There is a compulsory core unit of “Western Classical Tradition 1650 – 1910,” although there are choices within this about particular areas which can be focussed on. Students then choose two further units from Pop Music, Music for Media, Music for Theatre, Jazz, Contemporary Traditional Music or Art Music since 1910.
Course requirements
GCSE Music is an advantage but not essential, though you will need to play a musical instrument or sing to Grade 5 or 6 standard for AS Level and Grade 7 or 8 for A Level.
Further information
It is expected that students undertaking the A Level Music course will act as musical role models to the rest of the school, participating in concerts and rehearsals. This will greatly improve performing skill leading to better marks in the performance component of the course.
Related careers
You could be a performer, composer, arranger, teacher or administrator of music. You could be a recording engineer or a writer of music or this subject may be just an enjoyable pastime!
Related subjects
Most subjects relate to Music as it has its own use of Languages, Social Sciences, Science, Mathematical patterns, and so on. It can also be taken as a contrast to other subjects.