Music Technology

Why choose Music Technology?

Covering core production values such as studio and live recording as well as sequencing and composing, this course will give you the skills to go on to further study in music production. Which mic to use? Where to place the mics effectively? Which effects to apply? These questions and more will be answered in our new, state of the art recording studio. High-end computing power is combined with industry standard digital mixing equipment to enable professional standard recordings to be made. Whether in a live situation or a studio, this course provides the skills you need. 


Course details


You will make a professional standard recording of a song chosen from a list of songs provided each year by Pearson. You will learn about the appropriate mics to use for different instruments and situations, and how to edit the raw audio to make a professional mix. 


You will compose a three minute piece in response to a choice of briefs. Your composition will make use of synthesis, sampling/audio manipulation and creative effects. 


This forms the exam and it tests you on your ability to listen to music and work out the techniques used in recording. This is particularly useful for a career in the music industry as it allows you to emulate different styles in your own work. 


The music industry is a fast-paced and competitive place. This part of the course challenges you to quickly combine audio and MIDI materials into a complete mix in exam conditions, before demonstrating your knowledge in written questions. 

Career options

Degree courses in music technology; jobs in music industry (TV, film, freelance, corporate audio work, music studios, live events). 

As the course includes composition, GCSE Music or Grade 5 theory is required. Additionally, Grade 5 standard on an instrument or voice is recommended. 

The Music Tech A Level course is enhanced by many co-curricular activities. For instance two main highlights of the school year are the productions, where many of our A Level musicians perform in the school band. Other performances include Prizegiving (held annually), the Carol Service, a Gala Concert (to showcase INSPIRED Sixth Form students) and several other high profile concerts during the year. An annual Choir Tour also takes place every summer.