Product Design

Why choose Product Design?

Design and Technology is vital to everything we use, and is constantly evolving. The A Level Design and Technology course allows students to be creative and explore areas of interest, with a deep-thinking and higher level problem-solving approach. It encourages integration of environmental and ethical factors, for example considering the sustainability of materials and processes, as well as tailoring a product to a consumer’s specific requirements. The course focuses on developing practical skills using a variety of material areas, whilst allowing students to achieve high quality outcomes using industry focused design and manufacturing strategies and processes. The approach allows students to gain experience in time management, independent learning, collaboration and communication; key skills required for future achievements, whether that be in the world of employment or higher education. 

Exam Board: AQA

Course details


Paper 1 – 30% of A Level Technical principles (TP) – 2.5 hours 120 marks 

Paper 2 – 20% of A Level Design and making principles (DMP) – 1.5 hours 80% marks 

Combined written paper weighting – 50% of the A Level  


Assesses practical application of technical principles and designing and making principles.  

Substantial design and make project. 

Written or digital portfolio not exceeding 45 pages. 

Candidate developed brief. 

50% of the A Level qualification. 

“I have gained the ability to create an idea from different areas of life, and then independently combine ideas to create an entirely new product which can be used to positively assist the environment.” 


Further information

Design and Technology focused students will be selected to visit the NEC Birmingham for the TCT Show as part of a collaborative partnership with Create Education (a 3D printing specialist). Westholme School are also part of the Arkwright Scholarship programme, which students are encouraged to apply for. Further to this, A Level students have the opportunity to explore possible summer internships with InvestIN. Course requirements. Minimum Grade 6 at GCSE. 

A Level Design and Technology opens up opportunities to undertake higher education courses in engineering, graphic design, fashion styling, art and design, media, photography, construction and building services, motor vehicle – technology and repair. 

Careers include Aerospace Engineer; Animator; Architect; Building Control Officer; CNC machinist; Model maker; Computer-Aided Design Engineer; Costume Designer; Electrician; Fine artist; Firefighter; Medical Illustrator; Offshore roustabout; Pattern cutter; Petroleum engineer; Teacher; Quantity Surveyor; Set Designer; Sign Writer; Telecommunications Engineer; Television/ Film Producer.  

Art, English, Geography, History, Languages, Mathematics, Photography, Physics and Textiles.