
Why choose Psychology?

Psychology is a well-equipped department with creative and inspiring teachers. See what the current Psychology students have to say: 

“Psychology is the most interesting subject I’ve studied; it’s nice to apply psychological concepts to everyday life.” 

“Psychology is great because there is a wide variety of topics which will interest every person. This subject allows you to see everything in a different light and apply your knowledge to everyday life.” 

Exam Board: AQA

Course details

Lessons are taught using a range of methods and we give students the opportunity to conduct ‘hands-on’ practical work. AS Level students conduct practical activities using a range of different methods which allows them to develop and become familiar with the methods used by psychologists e.g. observations, questionnaires, experiments and correlations.  

At A Level students study Gender Development. Students enjoy designing and conducting experiments with primary school children to investigate the changes in children’s thinking about their gender which becomes more sophisticated with age. 

We aim to develop students’ ability to interpret, evaluate and comment. Students are encouraged to develop an in-depth knowledge of the core topics through a variety of teaching methods. 

This course is fully examined, with no coursework. Question papers will assess students’ ability to apply their knowledge rather than just the ability to learn material. 

Course requirements

Although there is no set requirement to study Psychology at A Level, you will need to demonstrate good numeracy and literacy skills and an ability to handle scientific concepts. 

As well as conducting practical work with local Infant and Junior School children, we frequently run trips. Students have recently been on an Exploring Crime Conference, Exam Board Revision day, Applied Psychology, a lecture on False Memory and have attended a Psychotherapy Centre to listen to a seminar on therapeutic treatments for mental health issues. 

We also invite many guest speakers to come to speak to the department from forensic and clinical psychologists to people who specialise in working with children with autism.  

This course will provide students with a sound understanding of the various methods and approaches used in Psychology. It is designed to develop students’ critical thinking skills and, it prepares students thoroughly for higher level study, as many students each year choose to read Psychology at university. 

Whatever career you pursue, a background in Psychology will enhance your employability. This is because it develops a range of valuable skills including critical analysis, independent thinking and research.  

Psychology is a versatile subject and considered both a Science and Humanity, therefore the course may appeal to those wishing to study a Psychology degree or other associated disciplines. Psychology, due to its very broad content, has many applications in areas ranging from education, law, counselling, social work, industry, childcare, media, public relations, plus many others. 

“A degree in Psychology offers not only a pathway to becoming a psychologist, but also the knowledge and skills that you can apply in a wide range of careers.” – Professor Ann Colley, CPsychol Chief Executive, The British Psychological Society. 

Biology, Business Studies, English, Mathematics, Physical Education, Sociology.