Why choose Sociology?
- Have you ever wondered why people join cults?
- Why there are vast differences in educational achievement between middle- and workingclass students?
- Why women seemingly commit less crime than men?
- Or why children used to work and be seen as ‘mini adults’ but now exist in a sacred stage of extended childhood?
Sociology answers all these questions and more! Sociology is the fascinating study of society, and the analysis of why people do things the way they do. Come and explore the intricacies of human society in our A-Level course – you won’t regret it!
Exam Board: EDUQAS

Course details
Following the AQA Specification, over the two years we cover the following topics:
- Education
- Families and households
- Beliefs in society
- Crime and Deviance
- Sociological Theory
- Research methods
Career options
Sociology is a fantastic subject for anyone wishing to work with people. It is studying what is going on in the ‘real world’ and shows that you have a sound awareness of what is going on in wider society and the issues which affect other people. It is highly respected by universities and employers. People who have studied Sociology previously have embarked on careers in teaching, management, law, the police, HR, recruitment, business and the media.
Career requirements
There are no set requirements to study Sociology at A Level. Although a Level 6 at GCSE English is advantageous as this is an essay-based subject.
Co-curricular activities
Students will engage in a variety of co-curricular activities during the two-year course, including external guest speakers in the Crime space, and trips to iconic landmarks such as the Pankhurst Centre – where Emmeline Pankhurst resided in Manchester whilst leading the Suffragettes. In addition to this, at the end of Year 12 students attend a yearly trip to Preston Crown Court where they can engage in court proceedings, as well as visiting UCLAN’s state of the art Hydra Minerva Suite where students are faced with real life crimes and must work together to prioritize how to tackle these issues.
Related subjects
Sociology can fit with just about anything, as it encompasses the study of everything! Students, however, often take Sociology with Criminology, Psychology and Politics, and it complements these all well with crossover between topics. Other common crossovers are with Business Studies, Ethics, Philosophy and Religion, as well as Biology and English.