
Kangaroo Maths Challenge

Year 7 and 8 students put their Maths skills to the test, in the UKMT Junior Challenge, earlier this term. This is a multiple-choice test, designed to promote mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency in using mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. We are delighted to have received a fantastic set of results, with over half of our participating students receiving a Bronze, Silver, or Gold certificate.

Gold and Best in School: Samuel

Gold and Best in Year 7: Samra

Gold: Mabel

Silver: Emily, Elizabeth, Leo, Fatima, Jay, Haris, Elizabeth, Alfie, Harvey, Shazil, Thomas, Archie, Mohammed and Eissa.

Bronze: Liv, Eesa, Ben, Rose, Huw, Katie, Ibraheem, George, Kai, Sophie, Noah, Sofia, Nathan, Alicia, Lily, Isaac, Jasmine, Moses, Lily, Sam, Grace, Grace, Lily, Ayyan, Niamh and Lucy.

Special mentions go to Samuel, Samra, and Mabel who have also taken part in the Kangaroo, the next stage of the competition.

Well done to everyone that took part. 

Mrs Bateman

Teacher of Mathematics

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