
National Poetry Day


On Thursday morning, Miss Jones organised a special assembly with the help of members of her Inspired Sixth Form English class, who gave a short but memorable performance to celebrate Beat Poetry in the Croston Theatre.

The ‘Beat Generation’ was a literary subculture movement that started in America, rebelling against the more traditional culture in American poetry in the 1950s.

Our Year 12 English Literature students performed a beat poem accompanied by jazz music, inspired by their lives at Westholme in the morning’s assembly. It was a dramatic and engaging start to the morning!

In an additional celebration of the day, Mrs Corrigan has also arranged a special challenge for students in Years 7, 8 and 9 to take part in. The challenge is also open to those students in Years 10 and 11.

The challenge is to write and perform a Beat poem to be performed on Monday 15th October (Yr7), Tuesday 16th October (Yr8) and Wednesday 17th October (Yr9).

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