
Prep bring live ‘Wax’ Museum to Westholme

On Friday 17th January, our students in Prep 6 put on quite a show in their ‘Live Wax Museum’ showcase. Parents were invited to visit the Museum, which was held in the Croston Theatre.

To prepare for the event, children had to select a role-model to study. This could be a significant figure that has created History in their own area of expertise, or someone who they particularly look up to.

Individuals who were picked included: Nelson Mandela, Florence Nightingale, Winston Churchill, Ada Lovelace, Walt Disney, J.K. Rowling, Adam Peaty, Serena Williams and many more.

The children created factual posters, created props and produced a monologue as the individual they had chosen. They even went to the lengths of dressing up as their chosen individual, with some fantastic efforts being made.

Staff, parents and peers were all blown away by their hard work and commitment. Well done, everyone.

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